SIS School Procedures for Parents

SIS School Procedures for Parents

1. Early Pick-Up
Planned Early Pick-Up: If your child has a planned early pick-up, please send them to school with a
note. This note should be placed in the Red Basket located in their team area for the Main Office.

Unplanned Early Pick-Up: If an early pick-up is unplanned, please notify the main office by phone
or email at least one hour prior to pick-up time. Email notifications should be sent to and

Check-In: Upon arrival, please check in with security. Parents will be required to sign the child
out only if a note was not turned in earlier. Please have your ID ready when you come to the door.

Classroom Disruption: Early pick-up should be for urgent or important reasons only to minimize
classroom disruption.

2. Pick-Up at the End of the Day (Parent Pick Up)
Dismissal Time: The dismissal time for a regular day is 2:50 PM, and 1:00 PM for an early
dismissal. Please ensure you arrive on time for pick-up.

Planned Pick-Up: If your child will be picked up at the end of the day, please send a note with
your child in the morning. This note should be placed in the Red Basket in the team area for the
Main Office. Once the note is received, your child will be given an orange pass for
end-of-day dismissal.

Unplanned Pick-Up: If pick-up at the end of the day is unplanned, please notify the main office by
phone or email. Email notifications should be sent to and

Permanent Pick-Up: If your child will be a permanent pick-up for the school year, please write a
note stating this and complete the transportation opt-out form.

Permanent Parent Pick Up Authorization Form 

 Student Opt Out Form School Bus Transportation 

Pick-Up Area: The pick-up area is located at the back of the school. Please follow the traffic
directions provided by our security and police officials.

3. Child Absence
Notification: If your child will be absent or tardy, please contact the appropriate school office
as soon as possible. The school's number is 203-926-2000.

First Floor Homerooms (Teams Blue, Orange, Pink, and Purple): Select option 2.
Second Floor Homerooms (Teams Green, Gold, Gray, and Teal): Select option 3.

Email Notification: If you need to send an email, please contact for first-floor students and
for second-floor students. Always include in the email.

Timing: Please contact the school as soon as you know your child will be absent or tardy.

4. Standing Appointment Early Pick-Up
Scheduled Early Pick-Up: If your child has a standing appointment and needs to be picked up early
on a specific day of the week (e.g., every Wednesday), please provide a note from the relevant
healthcare provider or other professional.

Routine Verification: This note should include the specific day and time of the appointment. You
only need to notify the office once unless there are changes.

Consistency: Ensure that the pick-up time remains consistent to avoid confusion.

5. Late Arrival or Return from Early Dismissal
Late Arrival: If your child arrives late to school, they must check in at the main office before
going to their classroom. A tardy slip will be issued to the student to be admitted to class.
Please provide a note explaining the reason for the tardiness.

Returning from Early Dismissal: If your child returns to school after an early dismissal (e.g.,
after a medical appointment), they must check in at the main office before going back to class.
Please ensure that the student has a note from the healthcare provider or professional stating they
were seen.

Parent Presence: Parents do not need to accompany the student into the building or present ID;
students are allowed to come in alone.

6. Bus Change for Emergency Situations
Emergency Bus Change: If your child needs to take the bus home with another student, this should be
a rare occurrence and used only for emergency situations.

Required Notes: A note should be written by the parent of each student involved and placed in the
Yellow Basket for the SRC.

Bus Pass: The student taking a different bus will be given a bus pass once the notes are received,
reviewed, and approved.

Emergency Contact: In the case of an emergency, please contact and